Metatables and Metamethods
Every value in Lua can have a metatable. This metatable is an ordinary Lua table that defines the behavior of the original value under certain events. You can change several aspects of the behavior of a value by setting specific fields in its metatable. For instance, when a non-numeric value is the operand of an addition, Lua checks for a function in the field __add
of the value's metatable. If it finds one, Lua calls this function to perform the addition.
The key for each event in a metatable is a string with the event name prefixed by two underscores; the corresponding value is called a metavalue. For most events, the metavalue must be a function, which is then called a metamethod. In the previous example, the key is the string "__add
" and the metamethod is the function that performs the addition. Unless stated otherwise, a metamethod may in fact be any callable value, which is either a function or a value with a __call
You can query the metatable of any value using the getmetatable
function. Lua queries metamethods in metatables using a raw access (see rawget
You can replace the metatable of tables using the setmetatable
function. You cannot change the metatable of other types from Lua code, except by using the debug library (The Debug Library).
Tables and full userdata have individual metatables, although multiple tables and userdata can share their metatables. Values of all other types share one single metatable per type; that is, there is one single metatable for all numbers, one for all strings, etc. By default, a value has no metatable, but the string library sets a metatable for the string type (see String Manipulation).
A detailed list of operations controlled by metatables is given next. Each event is identified by its corresponding key. By convention, all metatable keys used by Lua are composed by two underscores followed by lowercase Latin letters.
: the addition (+
) operation. If any operand for an addition is not a number, Lua will try to call a metamethod. It starts by checking the first operand (even if it is a number); if that operand does not define a metamethod for__add
, then Lua will check the second operand. If Lua can find a metamethod, it calls the metamethod with the two operands as arguments, and the result of the call (adjusted to one value) is the result of the operation. Otherwise, if no metamethod is found, Lua raises an error.__sub
: the subtraction (-
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__mul
: the multiplication (*
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__div
: the division (/
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__mod
: the modulo (%
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__pow
: the exponentiation (^
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__unm
: the negation (unary-
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__idiv
: the floor division (//
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation.__band
: the bitwise AND (&
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation, except that Lua will try a metamethod if any operand is neither an integer nor a float coercible to an integer (see Coercions and Conversions).__bor
: the bitwise OR (|
) operation. Behavior similar to the bitwise AND operation.__bxor
: the bitwise exclusive OR (binary~
) operation. Behavior similar to the bitwise AND operation.__bnot
: the bitwise NOT (unary~
) operation. Behavior similar to the bitwise AND operation.__shl
: the bitwise left shift (<<
) operation. Behavior similar to the bitwise AND operation.__shr
: the bitwise right shift (>>
) operation. Behavior similar to the bitwise AND operation.__concat
: the concatenation (..
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation, except that Lua will try a metamethod if any operand is neither a string nor a number (which is always coercible to a string).__len
: the length (#
) operation. If the object is not a string, Lua will try its metamethod. If there is a metamethod, Lua calls it with the object as argument, and the result of the call (always adjusted to one value) is the result of the operation. If there is no metamethod but the object is a table, then Lua uses the table length operation (see The Length Operator). Otherwise, Lua raises an error.__eq
: the equal (==
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation, except that Lua will try a metamethod only when the values being compared are either both tables or both full userdata and they are not primitively equal. The result of the call is always converted to a boolean.__lt
: the less than (<
) operation. Behavior similar to the addition operation, except that Lua will try a metamethod only when the values being compared are neither both numbers nor both strings. Moreover, the result of the call is always converted to a boolean.__le
: the less equal (<=
) operation. Behavior similar to the less than operation.__index
: The indexing access operationtable[key]
. This event happens whentable
is not a table or whenkey
is not present intable
. The metavalue is looked up in the metatable oftable
.The metavalue for this event can be either a function, a table, or any value with an
metavalue. If it is a function, it is called withtable
as arguments, and the result of the call (adjusted to one value) is the result of the operation. Otherwise, the final result is the result of indexing this metavalue withkey
. This indexing is regular, not raw, and therefore can trigger another__index
: The indexing assignmenttable[key] = value
. Like the index event, this event happens whentable
is not a table or whenkey
is not present intable
. The metavalue is looked up in the metatable oftable
.Like with indexing, the metavalue for this event can be either a function, a table, or any value with an
metavalue. If it is a function, it is called withtable
, andvalue
as arguments. Otherwise, Lua repeats the indexing assignment over this metavalue with the same key and value. This assignment is regular, not raw, and therefore can trigger another__newindex
metavalue.Whenever a
metavalue is invoked, Lua does not perform the primitive assignment. If needed, the metamethod itself can callrawset
to do the assignment.__call
: The call operationfunc(args)
. This event happens when Lua tries to call a non-function value (that is,func
is not a function). The metamethod is looked up infunc
. If present, the metamethod is called withfunc
as its first argument, followed by the arguments of the original call (args
). All results of the call are the results of the operation. This is the only metamethod that allows multiple results.
In addition to the previous list, the interpreter also respects the following keys in metatables: __gc
(see Garbage-Collection Metamethods), __close
(see To-be-closed Variables), __mode
(see Weak Tables), and __name
. (The entry __name
, when it contains a string, may be used by tostring
and in error messages.)
For the unary operators (negation, length, and bitwise NOT), the metamethod is computed and called with a dummy second operand, equal to the first one. This extra operand is only to simplify Lua's internals (by making these operators behave like a binary operation) and may be removed in future versions. For most uses this extra operand is irrelevant.
Because metatables are regular tables, they can contain arbitrary fields, not only the event names defined above. Some functions in the standard library (e.g., tostring
) use other fields in metatables for their own purposes.
It is a good practice to add all needed metamethods to a table before setting it as a metatable of some object. In particular, the __gc
metamethod works only when this order is followed (see Garbage-Collection Metamethods). It is also a good practice to set the metatable of an object right after its creation.